Four months ago, I started out as an Independent Consultant. Whoa! To date, I keep thinking - 'I really did something different, didn't I?!' Good different, Bad different, I don't know. Might take a while before I can be positive on that. So obviously, 4 months ago, I wanted to be sure I'm not putting all eggs in one basket. Which means, I was still looking out for other jobs.
I hate interviews. Not 'coz they drill you with all those 'Is-she-the-next-stupid-being-we-need-to-train' questions, but 'coz I manage to appear dumb (read D. U. M. B) in almost all my answers. Doing 3 somersaults would probably make me look wiser! (Didn't I mention earlier?! I love exaggerrating!) So the moment I step into any office for an interview, the nervousness is bound to spill.
This occasion being no different. It was a weekend and they were conducting interviews by the truckloads. So the place is HUGE, the company even BIGGER and the number of people around was STAGGERING! In a humble corner of this magnificent hall, I filled out my form and waited my turn for being toasted. After about an hour or so, I heard someone call out, 'Prun-gee-aal'. Like someone just lit a fire below my seat, I shot-up and raced through the room and was guided into a channel of connected 'stalls'. I was asked to make myself comfortable in one of the two chairs that barely fit into this tiny 'opening-of-a-stall' along with an enormous table, while my escort fetched the person who'd swell controlling his laughter after listening to my prolific monologue!
After the initial exchange of formalities, he started with his set of 'so-she-really-thinks-she'll-last-here-eh-?' questions. Almost towards the end of his list, when he no longer wanted to hold his 'hee-haw' behind hands clasping his mouth, he said, "It eez really yem-ba-raa-zing to see such tyaa-lent go waste, you know. It eez actually yem-ba-raa-zing to know the present state of a-ver (our) ye-ducation sees-tem. How they can paa-si-baly be such ye (a) yem-ba-raaz-ment to themselves, I do not know?". With eyes popping out and my mouth half open, I could only manage, "Yes sir, it is quite em-baa-rassing.", following which his expression suddenly stiffened and with a, "Uh?!... umm... Yes... yes, yes, yem-ba-raa-zing", shooed me out of the pigeonhole!
On my way back home, the only thought I distinctly remember is, "Poof, that went off well! Right?!"
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