Thursday, October 4, 2007

This & That

Yesterday was a really long day and yet I couldn't squeeze in time to get this post up. Here are 2 news articles that make you both sad and angry.

Case 1: Wife on sale to save husband in Punjab

Note the number of people willing to help?! It's heart-warming! I couldn't spot any comment that provided her details. If anyone does have information on how to reach her, please do update us all!

Case 2: Bus driver hits woman with iron rod in Delhi

Before I say anything, let me make it clear I'm not taking stands here and I might be wrong. Please correct me if so.

It was an act of violence no doubt! The driver should be disciplined for his act. But does anyone know what really angered him to the extent that he walked up to his van, pulled out an iron rod and hit a woman?! To hold your anger for that length of time! Something must have triggered him, something must have hurt him, no? I was wondering, could it be remotely possible that he was verbally abused? True, he was rash, he was wrong and he needs to realize his mistake. But haven't you come acorss situations where people are pushed far enough to lose control over their actions? Again, I'm not supporting him, but doesn't this episode make one look beyond this particular incident itself?


Kumudha said...

Violence is thriving everywhere.

Pranjal said...

Hmm... Sad but True. I hope we will do our bit by not adding to it, if not reducing it!