Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Would you risk it?

I've heard stories about people throwing away all that they've built over years, to realize a dream they've nutured alongside. It always has been inspiring. And I'm sure a day will come when I shall follow this 'formula'.

Today though, is not my day. But a dear friend's. I'm not sure she blogs or even cares too. I think she's not quite the kind of person who'd sit around telling us tales about her life or write her opinion on a web-page. She's more 'spoken' types. I haven't known her long. Hardly a year. But her enthusiasm is infectious! She's a hyper, but the zeal she carries around is beyond anyone's I've known so far! And yes, I like her (coming from a woman for another woman, you've got to appreciate that!).

A Master's graduate. An Electrical Engineer. A Project Associate at IISc. Today - a proud owner of a Salon!! Gone are the days of recollecting mathematical formulas, days of toiling over algorithms & research papers, typing status-reports for your boss, late-nights in front of the computer trying to make an image look brighter or better or more human-like! Hers is a dazzling start to a dream!!

Here's to you Sruti... Lord bless you in abundance!


Sudi said...

another baloon let go to embrace the skies.... cheers for her.

Pranjal said...

Thanks Sudi!

Smini said...

Wish I could........

Pranjal said...

Yup... me too...

But soon... someday soon :)...