Saturday, November 10, 2007

5 Simple Pleasures

Smini came up with this & here's my list -
  1. Kodak moments with kids, pups, cubs & chicks ((November 12th, 2007) Update: ...& kittens - Thanks Samba)
  2. The Countryside
  3. Combination of coffee/beer & hot pakoras on a chill day
  4. Long Drives
  5. Soulful music
Care to list yours?

P.S: Pliss to be reading this post on LongBlackVeil's blog! I think it's H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S.!


Deepti Dani said...

Thanks for tagging me... (I know you didn't.. I just consider myself tagged).

Check out mine. :D

Pranjal said...

Actually... I did :)! I didn't mention names, true. (I thought that was understood (hehe...)).

Thanks for sharing. Think I knew most :P!

Samba said...

Such a pargmatic wishlist!

Did you forget to add kitten?

By the way, I was watching a show on Animal Planet about animal actors and I figured that Sheru looks like one of the dogs (not a Dlamatian. Or may be coz he was clothed!) in 102 Dalmations

Pranjal said...

Guess I've been dwelling on dreams too long. Decided it's time to get real... hehe...

YES, Oh yes... I SO forgot kittens!! Thankyou!

Now that you mention it - Yeah! Sheru does resemble him, doesn't he!

Samba said...

May I ask, without racially offending you, what languages you speak, English apart? I myself don't speak any other than Kannada and Hindi. But yeah, I would love to recommend some good Kannada movies to you if you understand the language.

By the way, do you appreciate the language of finance? If you don't lemme know right away. I may not cut it, but I might make an effort to translate it to layman's language! The stock market is all about dreams, and at times unfortunately, about nightmares. Coz it's all about the hope (or the lack of it) of making money in future. And this hope or dispair about the future translate to investors fortunes in the present. Financial markets are a fantastic time machine. They project the future onto the present. If you had known a year ago that the Northern Rock bank would be penniless today, it would have gone bankrupt a year ago! Why am I talking economics (especially when I know that statistics reveal the distaste of the feminine for economics)? The idea was to say that it's ok to live in dreams. Not only does the present have a bearing on the future, the future has a bearing on the present as well! And dreams (assuming they aint nightmares) have it them to brighten the present up, even if it is already bright enough!

By the way, reading your profile, I figured you relocated from the US as well, like me. I haven't met too many of this ilk although I have met many hopefuls.

Guess I have written an awful lot.

Samba said...


I got a chance to read a little more of your profile and more importantly retain it. Here's a question base don that. What do you consult on? I plan to start consulting as well, but not for a living though. More with personal branding in mind. Would like to hear your perspectives.

Pranjal said...

Image Processing & Computer Vision.

If you think you can sit back home 24/7 at times, get-out-of-bed & work in the same room & still remain creative at thought, why not?! Consulting is an ideal choice! Although I didn't quite understand the 'personal branding' part :P.

Samba said...

Personal branding....

I'm a marketing guy. But who knows that I'm good at marketing. My employer does. But my employer is unlikely to encourage my entrepreneurial ambition. And what is needed to bring my entrepreneurial ambition to reality? A network of fellow entrepreneurs, potential investors, potential customers and potential employees. How do they know that I'm good? At the moemnt, they don't. To make them aware, I need to get them to see my work. And I see consulting as a way to do that. By the way, how do you do your sales?