Thursday, September 6, 2007


Here's Wikipedia's explanation for the word - "... act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both ...". Do you see the hard part in this act?! "Willingly"(?)!!

I'll be honest, I've never liked the idea of fasting. No disrespect to all those who believe in this act. It's just something I find absurd. If I were asked to give away my share of food, drink, or both to a person who hasn't been able to feed himself for various reasons, I would gladly do so without a blink of an eye. But to abstain oneself for no good reason at all, just doesn't ring with me. If one is asked to do so by a physician say for health reasons, I'd accept that for a valid reason, if they were doing so to voluntarily watch their otherwise uncontrollable weight, that might make sense too. But to starve yourself in the name of prayer, just so your heart's desire is fulfilled... ?!! I find that more like torture to the Lord Himself! Like - "You gave me this body and I won't feed it until You give me what I need" - What?!!

In His place, I might have thought to myself, "Ha!... the hilarious things I find myself doing for them nincompoops!" But then again, that's just me!


Deepti Dani said...

I have only one incentive for fasting... "Fast" food :D

Pranjal said...

Ofcourse! How could I forget :)...

But I include that in my regular diet :P... So not an incentive for me.

Deepti Dani said...

I am fasting this Friday, you?

Pranjal said...

Doubt it :).