Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Unadulterated gimmick

Having read John Grogan's 'Marley & Me' and reminiscing everything about our lab - 'Buddy', I've been keenly observing our mutt - 'Munnu' (Yes, very INDIAN!) Loads of differences, few similarities too, but the one thing that most amazes me about any dog - Labs, German Shepherds, Mutts or Pomeranians - is their sincerity towards sharing quality time with you.

Munnu enjoys his rest time during the day (And that's saying the least!). No matter who knocks the gate or calls out to you, he keeps his eyes firmly shut during daytime. It's like he's saying - "I work night shifts only, woman. You've got your eyes and ears to yourself during daylight; might as well put them to use." So we don't see him barking at strangers at our doorstep if -
  1. We aren't at home to see him do that (obviously!)
  2. We are at home and it's not beyond 6pm

That's his schedule and he's stringent about it - 6pm to 9am.

Except, if for some reason, you decide to bask yourself in the sun say, you'd find him promptly following stead. Like today, I was taking a break from my laptop and sat 3 feet from where he usually slumps. I was only thinking to myself, 'Should I disturb him?', when he most-reluctantly got onto his fours and practically 'sleep-walked' to where I was sitting.

If you ignore Munnu when he's by your side, he reminds you of his presence by harmlessly pawing at you. However, in his state of forced insomnia, he did what he could do best, put all his weight on me and go 'Grrrrr...' - which really means, 'Are you blind lady?! I need some petting here, so get busy!'

But the part one should notice is, HE got up from his uncontrollable sleep state just to come sit next to me! What would you call that? 'Unscathed' affection maybe?

(September 20th 2007) Update:

Munnu during broad daylight

P.S: That's a garden swing my folks purchased at an exhibition for Rs. 8000/-. We got to enjoy it for a week before Munnu claimed it to be his. (See the small opening he made for his tail!)


Zennmaster said...

me want a dog... :'(

Pranjal said...

Go get one...

Deepti Dani said...

Keep this going woman... I think you are doing a good job of preparing me for a future acquaintance with a certain canine.

Pranjal said...

Rest-assured, if my posts don't help, I will... personally ;)!