For a good 2 days I've been patting my back for having come up with the name 'Guts, Grace & Gusto'. Today I wanted to make sure it came up on google. So I typed-in my query and guess what?!... The name's already registered by this group! (Scroll down to the bottom of the page)
So I'm thinking - 'Every time I come up with a good idea, someone's already nailed it! And what I almost discard as bad ones, always end up doing the trick!' Do I want to be penalized for a blog-header?! Ofcourse not! So barely 3 days old, we decide to gracefully move on to a different version - that is to say, from Guts to Grit. Same G's. Well... almost same!
What's in a name?
Did you know there was one more unheard voice in the blogosphere? Aww... all my illusions of having a unique blog name are shattered.
Anyway, it has a different spelling, so no qualms there.
So I still stand by: What's in a name?
He he... Us and our joys for miniscule things. Let's still stand tall with - What's in a name?!
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