Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Shree's uncle and aunt are in town and we'd invited them over for lunch yesterday. I managed to cook some chicken with the help of my mother-in-law and Mary (our maid support system). The kitchen sink is too small to hold dishes used to feed more than 2 people. So I dumped the whole lot in our tiny utility. Since we were in a frenzy to drop Shree's parents at the railway station, I didn't bother dumping any waste in the bin.

Today, I open the door of the utility to find a nice trail of bone pieces all over the floor. Follow the trail and it goes straight to our brand new washing machine. YIKES. First thought - 'Oh my God, another washing machine?!!' (Yes. I can be very materialistic too) Shree needs to get to work early and I've got to depend on our support system to get this sorted out.

So in come's Mary, zhaadu in haath (for the Hindi illiterate - broom in hand) and starts clearing the floor first. She walks up to the machine and while I'm expecting her to poke the broom in and draw the bones out, she sticks her hand around the corner (!!!!!) and checks for pieces behind the damned machine! While I'm standing awe-struck looking at her, she straightens her saree and declares - "Not to worry. A smart one, this. He's partied only in the corners. No machine-wrecking." Which I later figure out means, the little guy's only found a new place to enjoy his meals in. I wonder what I'm going to find in those corners tomorrow. Some low-fat cheese maybe?!!


Deepti Dani said...

What an adventure!! Ha ha... Congrats on a brand new washing machine, and as a lady of the house, you are absolutely allowed to be materialistic. ;)

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