Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dear Mister God

"The difference from a person and an angel is easy. Most of an angel is in the inside and most of a person is on the outside." - Anna

This is how Fynn's - 'Mister God, This is Anna' begins. An exceptional book! Do read.


Santosh said...

I bought this book at the bombay airport, finished more than half before i landed at bangalore. Absolutely loved it.

Then Guess what i kept it on the seat to pick my luggague and i forgot to pick it up again :-(

I tried to get it from 2-3 shops in bangalore, never managed to get my hands on it.

Mind lending it :-)

Cheers !

Pranjal said...

Hmm... I always find books people leave behind on aircrafts :).

Lend? Sure! Why not! Ever tried this?