Friday, November 28, 2008

Visiting Relatives

Here's a question - "What is the meaning of life?" - Would love to read your answers.


edson_dias said...

meaning of life? haha.. I wrote a story about it. read it if you want the answer

Pranjal said...

Thanks for directing me to your post. Enjoyed the story. Hopefully will have more people telling me how they perceive life or what life means to them.

eyememyself said...

Meaning of Life? What I understand of life is that there is no specific purpose, no ultimate truth, no such fancy philosophical things. Life is just life. To live. To love. And to live to love:)

Whoa baby! What made me write that nonsense!

Pranjal said...

Hmm. Profound.

Here's another question - 'If one lives to love, should happiness, pain, right, wrong, good, bad (and all other nouns & adjectives for various moods), affect (or be included in) an individual's life?'

My reason for this question - these feelings or thoughts or experiences, seem to entangle us in our everyday life. With these entanglements, comes hope, desire. And the cycle of life repeats. So again, 'What is life?'

Deepti Dani said...

Hang on.. you say that "these feelings or thoughts or experiences, seem to entangle us in our everyday life."

If these feelings weren't there, what is the point in living the everyday life? What would you live for? Happiness, sadness, rights, wrongs are like signals that keep us from straying from the path of life while spicing it up. And wanting spice in life is not a crime. Life is controlling these spices of life and not letting these spices control you.

Life, according to me, is L + iFE. It has both real and imaginary parts. Life is a coin which has two sides to it - joy and sorrow.

Life is so many things. But to discover those, it is essential to live those things.

eyememyself said...

Like I said that was nonsense:)

Pranjal said...

@ deepti - Exactly my point - what does one live for? Happiness, sorrow, rights, wrongs, are all fleeting and are co-existing if observed from the stand-point of two people at the same time. There must be something permanent; something lasting. No?

@ eyememyself - Ofcourse not! Every bit of information helps. I'm thankful for your perspective :).

Smini said...

What is Life?....Hmmm Good Question..

Smini said...

Why is the post called "Visiting Relatives"... coz that's the most boring part of Life for me ;)

Pranjal said...

Thanks Smini. For asking :P!

I'm currently visiting relatives; and while that question's been doing rounds in my hypothalamus, I wanted to make sure I had some understanding of the question itself. Seeing these people in their day-to-day lives made that understanding more rigid I guess.

Vikram said...

I brought a plant for company in my new home, watered it and watched it grow, three weeks down it had tiny lil sprouts growing around it for company. I have a smirk on my face every day I see it grow, a weird satisfaction of breathing life into something lifeless. To me its simple, its just what you make of it.

Pranjal said...

Hmm. Here's another question - 'Does this "make of it" include joy, sorrow, pleasure, pain, etc.?' Would you want to make it painful, sorrowful? 'Coz if not, then we're continuously striving for happiness, joy; and these like I said in a previous comment are fleeting too.

So I guess I'm back to - what is life?

Vikram said...

I’ll be honest with you – you can spend your whole life and not have the answer or you can find it in almost everything you do. Given a situations 100 people react a 100 different ways – pain, joy, suffering are just a conscious or unconscious reactions we choose, certainly self induced. It is only more painful to learn the emotions you feel with a million bucks or years later are the same you felt with a 10 bucks or years back .. the choice is yours :)

Pranjal said...

Hmm. Profound, indeed.

BraveTanveer said...
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BraveTanveer said...
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BuenaAjente said...

LIfe.. is everything.
It was never been defined nor no one have been said that their explanations are the exact meaning of it..

Im Jo. Im still young but felt so old of searching the true meaning of it, I thought defining it will make me a better girl I've been wishing.